December 2, 2008

Nothing new here. It's a woman's fault.

Filed under: Gender — Tags: , , , , , , — Melanie @ 2:08 pm

Thanks, Ripsime.

Flashback to the Spitzer scandal. Ah, the long standing conversation about why men cheat.  No surprise, women are blamed for men’s infidelity.  Women, wives and mothers, specifically, have been blamed for problems and “failures” in relationships for decades.  After all, emotional work has been characterized as women’s work. Women have been relegated to the maintenance and security of the domestic sphere and this includes cultivating and nurturing relationships. It has been viewed as an inherent, “natural” female skill.

We have vaginas. Vaginas are empathetic, compassionate and loving. Because women have been in charge of this emotional work and providing emotional satisfaction, women have been blamed for men’s indiscretions, the “failure” of a relationship and blamed for the potential abuse/violence inflicted by men on to women.

The question has long been, “What did SHE (I) do wrong?”

Move on, Dr. Laura.  There’s so much wrong with your argument, don’t even know where to begin.