November 1, 2008

What's new in the anti-choice playbook?

Take a look.  Thanks to the Feminist Majority Foundation’s campus activism, Feminist Campus and the Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance program.

October 23, 2008

Speaking truth

The Feminist Majority Foundation and the Bennett College for Women have collaborated to bring you this year’s two-day conference DEFINE THIS! YOUNG WOMEN OF COLOR CREATING CHANGE in Greensboro, NC. This is the second annual Women of Color Conference.

As black feminist scholar, Patricia Hill Collins, outlines in Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness and the Politics of Empowerment, black womens’ oppression has taken on three interrelated dimensions of marginalization and oppression: economic exploitation, political exploitation and controlling images that promote and solidify negative stereotypes.

In the spirit and tradition of Black Feminist Thought, the conference creates the space for women to define themselves, speak their truth and shape consciousness.  Feminist ideology does not seek to merely study and discuss the experiences of women but seeks to transform and empower.  This is praxis.  It’s not just about women, it’s FOR women.  It’s for women to utilize in the alchemy of change personally and politically.

In a culture laden with constructed images generated by the mass media engine, the space to define one’s own experiences and transform those definitions into cultural dialogue, self-defined imagery and action is nothing short of revolutionary.

For complete details on the conference, click here.

September 29, 2008

Register and then VOTE!

Voter registration deadlines are fast approaching. The registration deadline for California is October 20, 2008. For more information state-to-state information visit:Declare Yourself! or Rock the Vote! Election Center ’08.

Thanks to the Feminist Majority Foundation for all their hard work on college campuses across the country and this great clip.

September 24, 2008

Sexism, Feminism and the Election: Weekly Discussions in October

Filed under: Politics — Tags: , , , , , — Melanie @ 11:29 am

The Women’s Resource and Research Center at California State University, Northridge is sponsoring weekly forums to discuss this historical election while considering sexism and feminism.

I will be facilitating these round table discussions in Sierra Hall 184 from 1:15-2:30PM on October 6, 13, 20 and 26.  We encourage participants to bring a lunch, a friend, and their opinions.

Olivia Ortiz of the Feminist Majority Foundation will be at California State Univeristy, Northridge on October 9 in the Whitsett Room in Sierra Hall (451) from 11-12:15 to discuss the salient issues at stake for women in the upcoming election.